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  "The first authentic Pilates studio

  in East Flanders"

  Foto's: Bart Van Leuven / Frédérique Debras


1. Who are the stakeholders?

In this 'Cookie Statement' following definitions shall apply:

‘CCP’: Christl Clear Pilates, with offices at 9840 De Pinte, Krekelstraat 47, with VAT number BE 0649.365.411.

‘Visitor’ or ‘you’: any natural person (B2C) or legal person (B2B) that is or will be in an informative or contractual relationship of any kind with CCP through its website.

‘Law’: art. 129 Law on electronic communications, as amended by W 2012-07-10/04, art. 90, 017; (effect: 04-08-2012) (available through the Department of Justice only in Dutch and French).

‘EU e-Privacy Directive’: Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (available on EUR-Lex).

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are small data or text files that are placed by the server of a website on your computer or mobile device The cookie contains a unique code that allows to recognize your browser during the visit to the website (called a "session" cookie) or later, during repeated visits (called "permanent" cookie). Such cookies can have different purposes: there are mainly technical cookies (eg language settings) and tracking cookies (cookies that will follow and remind your behavior on the website to offer you that way a more optimal user experience).

Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you are visiting or through partners that this website works with (so-called third-party cookies). The server of a website can only read the cookies that he placed, he has no access to other information that resides on your computer or mobile device. Cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device in the folder of your browser. The contents of a cookie typically contains the name of the server that placed the cookie, an expiration date and a unique numeric code.

Cookies make, in general, the interaction between the visitor and the website easier and faster and help the user to navigate between the different parts of a website. Cookies can also be used in order to make the content of a website or the advertisement on a website more relevant for the visitor and to adapt it to his personal needs and tastes..

3. What type of cookies are used by CCP?

CCP wants to inform you as good as possible about this new legislation, and what cookies they use.. Cookies help CCP to optimize your visit to the website, to increase your convenience (= to make your browsing experience easier and more enjoyable), to remember technical choices (eg, a language, a newsletter, etc.) and to show you more relevant services and offers (= tailor the content of its website to better match your needs and preferences).

If you wish to consult the website of CCP it is recommended that you activate/accept cookies on your computer or mobile device. You can always refuse the installation of cookies, but then some parts of the website may not work in an optimal way. Without cookies enabled, it is not possible for CCP to guarantee you a visit on its website without troubles. However, if you rather do not wish cookies, you are free to disable cookies or to restrict, block or delete cookies coming from CCP. You can manage this through your browser settings or through a specific functionality provided by CCP for its own cookies (see Title 4 "How can I manage my cookies?"). If you continue your visit to its website without adjusting your cookie settings, CCP assumes that you accept the use of cookies.

The Belgian Law contains provisions about cookies and their use on websites. The Belgian amendment is derived from the European e-Privacy Directive, which implies that the use of cookies and the cookie legislation is regulated in each European country in a different way. CCP focuses on customers in the geographical region of Belgium. Under heading "5. I'm not from Belgium. Is there any other authorization required for my country?" you get more information on how CCP implements the cookie legislation for each European country.

The cookies used by CCP are safe. The information collected by CCP using cookies helps CCP to identify possible errors or to let you see specific services for which CCP thinks they can be of interest to you. CCP stores in its cookies information that is directly related to you. However, no personal information such as phone number, a name or email address, can be derived from cookies. Therefore, cookies can not be used for e-mail and telemarketing campaigns. CCP possibly also uses cookies from carefully selected partners with whom CCP works and who offer their services on its website.

For CCP it is very important that you know what cookies its website deploys and for what purposes they are used. CCP wants to guarantee as much as possible your privacy and to ensure the usability of its website. Here under you can read more about the cookies used by and through its website and for what purposes.

1. Essential cookies
These cookies are essential to visit the site and to be able to use certain parts thereof. These cookies allow you for example to navigate between the different parts of the website or for example to fill in forms. Also when you wish to log into the website of CCP with your personal account, these cookies are necessary to check your identity in a safe way before CCP provides access to your personal information. If you refuse cookies, certain parts of the website may not work at all or not work in an optimal way.

2. Functional cookies
Functional cookies are cookies that facilitate the functioning of the website and make it more enjoyable for the visitor and make sure that you get a more personalized browsing experience. This includes for instance cookies that somewhere remember your preferences, or that track if you were already asked to participate in a survey so that CCP does not repeatedly submits you the same survey.
CCP uses these cookies to:

  • remember information that you enter on different pages, so you do not have to re-enter it again
  • pass information from one page to the next page, for example when completing a long survey or if you need to fill in a lot of data for online ordering
  • store preferences, such as language, location, the desired number of displayed search results, and so on
  • store settings for optimal video display, such as the desired buffer size and the resolution of your screen
  • read your browser settings to display the website in an optimal way on your display
  • detect abuse of the website and its services, for example by registering a number of consecutive failed login attempts
  • balance the load of the website, making sure the website remains accessible
  • offer the possibility to store login information so you do not have to re-enter it each time
  • enable to respond to the website

3. Performance cookies
CCP uses performance cookies to collect information about the use of its website by visitors with the aim to improve the content of its website, to adapt the information more to the needs of the visitors and to increase the ease of use of its website. For example, a cookie exists that helps CCP count the number of unique visitors and a cookie that tracks which pages are most popular.
To determine which parts of the site are most interesting for the visitors, CCP continuously tries to measure how many visitors come to the website and what is most viewed using the software of Google Analytics. CCP uses cookies for this.
From the information that CCP collects in this way, statistics are made. These statistics provide CCP insight into how often the different web pages are visited, where exactly visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables CCP to make the structure, the navigation and the content of the website as user friendly as possible for you. CCP does not trace back the statistics and other reports to individuals.
CCP uses cookies to:

  • track the number of visitors on the web pages
  • track the amount of time each visitor spends on the web pages
  • determine the sequence in which a visitor visits the various pages of the website
  • assess which parts of the site need to be adapted
  • optimize the website

4. Third party cookies
CCP uses on its website services provided by third parties. So-called 'third party' cookies are placed by them. These cookies allow you for example to like a page on the social media.
You can share the articles and videos you watch on the website through social media using buttons. For the functioning of these buttons use is made of social media cookies from the social media parties, so that they recognize you when you want to share an article or video.
Hence these cookies allow:

  • logged users of selected social media to share directly certain content from the website of CCP.

For the cookies that are placed by the social media sites and the possible data they collect, CCP refers to statements these parties provide on their own websites.
As indicated above, CCP also uses Google Analytics. Also this software places third party cookies. For the cookies placed by Google Analytics and the possible data they collect, CCP also refers to statements that Google Analytics provides on his own website about this.
Given the CCP website is solely focused on providing information about CCP and the services offered by CCP and given no further advertising or publicity is offered on the website of CCP, CCP does not place any cookies to show targeted advertisements or publicity to the visitors of the site of CCP.

5. Embedded content
In support of its information CCP sometimes points to other sites via a clickable link or CCP integrates information from other sites in its website (eg Google maps). While visiting these external sites or using functionality provided by these external information providers possibly (third party) cookies can be placed. For more information about the use of cookies on such sites CCP encourages you to check the privacy policy of these sites.

6. Other / unforeseen cookies
By the way the internet and websites work, it may be that CCP not always understands the cookies placed by third parties via its website This is particularly the case when the web pages contain so-called embedded elements, which are texts, documents, pictures or movies that are stored on another party, but shown in or on the website of CCP.
Should you encounter on this website cookies that fall into this category and that were not mentioned above, please inform CCP. Or contact directly the third party and ask them which cookies they put, what the reason is, what the lifetime of the cookie is, and how they have ensured your privacy.

4. How can I manage my cookies?

If you do not want websites to set cookies on your computer or mobile device, you can adjust your browser settings so that you get a warning before cookies are placed. You can also adjust the settings so that your browser refuses all cookies or just cookies from third parties. You can also delete cookies that have already been placed.

On the following website you will find besides many explanations also the method to refuse cookies for the most common browsers: http://www.aboutcookies.org/
Please note that you need to adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer or mobile device that you use. If needed, please refer to the help function of your browser, the site listed above or click on one of the links below to go directly to the manual of the most commonly used browsers.



Internet Explorer 7 en 8

Internet Explorer 9



Be aware that if you do not accept cookies, CCP can not guarantee that its website works in a correct way. You may find that some functions of the site are lost or even that you can no longer see certain parts of the website.

In addition, CCP has provided a specific functionality on its website that allows you at any time to accept or refuse cookies placed by CCP. In case you decide later on to refuse cookies from CCP, CCP will remove the cookies placed by them. Third party cookies will no longer communicate with their parent site, but can technically not be removed by CCP and therefore should be removed using the settings of your browser, as explained in detail above.

5. I'm not from Belgium. Is there any other authorization required for my country?

CCP is a Belgian service provider, and focuses its website and online portal mainly to Belgian nationals. The European Member States often implement cookie legislation  very different, so it is difficult for the visitor to decide how his or her consent should be given. Obtain a complete and accurate list of the European countries, the implementation status of the cookie legislation and the (possible) implementation method is not evident.
Yet CCP aims to pursue a correct implementation method for each Member State, as far as technically and materially possible.

6. Final remark.

CCP will occasionally have to adjust these statements, because for example, its website or the rules around cookies have changed. CCP can always change the content of the statements and the cookies that are included in the lists without prior notice. CCP recommends to review periodically this webpage to consult the latest version, to evaluate whether to revise your permission.