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  "The first authentic Pilates studio

  in East Flanders"

  Foto's: Bart Van Leuven / Frédérique Debras

MBT Workshop



Masaï Barefoot Technology, a specially designed shoe that tries to simulate the unstable ground on which the Maasai run and in this way stimulates our body to the continuous use of many muscles to stay upright. Exercising these muscles has in the long term a positive effect on the attitude, and that's where they intersect with the aims of Pilates, hence this workshop.

In the workshop were explained a number of exercises that provide an additional activation of the equilibrium supporting muscles. Note that these exercises also have a positive effect with ordinary shoes, although less pronounced. So with or without MBT-shoes, keep these tips (explained and practiced in the workshop) in mind for a better attitude.

Here are some tips and some images from the MBT-workshop :

* place feet always fully parallel

* place feet always at hip-width

* when walking rather take little steps than large

* when walking always come down at the heel (workshop-exercise with walking on ice)

* when walking unrolling the feet along the side (workshop-exercise with pain in the big toe)

when walking stretch the buttocks (workshop-exercise with the note of 500€)

* when walking as it were, pull your foot toward you (workshop-exercise for the hamstrings)